Government official detained for defiling minor

Matuga OCPD Joel Chesire addressing media during a past interview./COURTESY

Kwale, KENYA: A government official with links to a children department in Kwale has been detained for allegedly defiling a 17 year old girl.

Confirming the incident, Matuga OCPD Joel Chesire said the suspect, said to have defiled the minor on Saturday at a guest house in Kwale town, was being detained by police at Matuga sub-county.

“We have apprehended the suspect who frequently visited the children home to offer support on behalf of government and where the girl resides as an orphan,” he said.

Chesire revealed that the minor is a form two student at Mwageka girls in Taita-Taveta county.

“As police we won’t relent in protecting our young girls hence we caution individuals especially those entrusted with the responsibility of taking care of our children affairs against child defilement cases,” he said.

Alexander Mbela, a Kwale based human right activist at Haki Africa, condemned the heinous act saying the suspect should be brought to book.

“We will not allow the vulnerable group especially the children to suffer thus we will press on the issue to ensure justice is granted to the victim,” he said.

