Canadian man cries in court after Kenyan ex-wife denied him access to child

Far right, Mohamed Ali Kamalia in Familiy Division court in Mombasa with ex-wife Shaheen Naushad Merali./Hillary Makokha

Mombasa, Kenya: A Canadian man shed tears in a Mombasa court detailing how his life has been miserable after his Kenyan ex-wife denied him access to his 6 year old child.

Mohamed Ali Kamalia was in Familiy Division court in Mombasa on Tuesday to seek orders to be allowed to see his child that he sired with ex-wife Shaheen Naushad Merali.

However, the courts granted him access to his daughter for four hours every day until he goes back to Canada on Saturday.

Court also directed the family of Merali to allow Kamalia visit his child and even provide him with some drinks during the visits.

Kamalia had claimed that his ex-wife brought the minor to Kenya on the pretext of visiting her maternal grandmother, but ended up denying him the rights to see his child.

He was also instructed to leave ex wife’s home at 6PM to allow the family to go for evening prayers.

His ex wife had denied him permission to meet his daughter since 2015.

Case will be mentioned on 16th January for further directions.

