Kilifi legislator blames police for the Chakama attack

A police vehicle.A police officer was on Monday arrested after threatening to shoot his love rival PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:Kilifi North legislator Owen Baya has faulted police over the delayed response during the Chakama attack in Malindi.

In a media briefing at parliamentary buildings, Baya said that police took close to 18 hours to respond to the attack.

On Wednesday five people were injured in an attack believed to have been carried out by bandits in Chakama area Kilifi county abducting 23 year old Italian woman who was a volunteer in the area.

He pointed out that if the response of such matter is quick from the police, some culprits could have been apprehended.

“It took them more than 18 hours to get to the scene of the crime .”He said

Baya said that there has been security lapse in the area, urging the ministry of interior to enhance security so as to avert any shake-up to the tourism sector.

 He added that security must be prioritized in the area because many residents depend on the tourism sector, arguing that if the sector sinks then the economy of the region will be adversely affected following the that fact that this is the high season of tourists.

“When tourism is recovering at this time we are getting similar attacks like those happened in 2015 but with this incidence , we are likely to see this same situation again.”He said

He said some pastoralists who sneak into the country from the neighboring country might be the ones  masterminding banditry activities harming residents in Kilifi county.

The legislator urged the government to address the porous border between Kenya and Somalia to avert scenarios of some people sneaking and carrying out criminal activities in the country.\’

