Kwale Deputy Governor launches campaign to combat early pregnancies

Kwale Deputy Governor Fatuma Achani speaking during a past event./Brivian Simiyu

Kwale, KENYA: Kwale deputy Governor Fatuma Achani has launched a campaign among women to fight against early pregnancies in the county.

Achani said the campaign will target women from various village units in the county.

Addressing a congregation at Methodist church of Kenya in Kinango sub-county, Achani said that the initiative aims to sensitize women on social, economic and political opportunities available to them in the society.

“The campaign will focus on empowering parents and girls as well as provide them with basic needs to sustain their lives,” she said.

She noted that girl child education has being threatened by early pregnancies a menace that has to be put to a halt immediately in the county.

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”Some of the reasons that have contributed to this include poverty, broken families and children brought up by a single parent,” she said.

Achani further stated that early pregnancies have been attributed by girls lacking the basic requirements thus rendering them vulnerable to desperate men.

“Some of our girls lack even soap and other basics thus become easy prey to men,” she said.

The initiative which is sponsored by UN women and the council of Governors COG is spearheaded by all female deputy governors across the country.

This comes following increased teenage pregnancies across the country which has driven most children into early parenthood.

