Government to set up police post at Ng’ombeni area

Matuga deputy county commissioner Isaac Keter addressing members of the press on security matters during a past interview./Brivian Simiyu

Kwale, KENYA: The government is planning to set up a police post at Ng’ombeni area, Kwale county to enhance security.

Locals have been experiencing sleepless nights because of the juvenile criminal gangs that cause unrest in the area.

Matuga Deputy County Commissioner Isaac Keter said that they intend to set up another police post around Tiwi area.

“The government is aware of insecurity challenges and we are already working with the area member of parliament to make sure that a police station is set up. We already have the budget for the project which we expect to begin next year February,” said Keter.

Keter said that the government is committed to setting up several police stations in each ward following the reforms made in the police service.

He also noted that another police post would be set up soon at Kombani area.

“We urge locals to stay calm as we plan to have the projects to construct new police posts implemented to address insecurity issues,” said Keter.

Juma Omar a tuk tuk operator at Likoni area revealed that it is dangerous to traverse along the Ng’ombeni route past 8pm because it is not safe.

He said that several tuk tuk drivers have been targeted by the juvenile criminal groups who steal money and other valuable items like phones from the passengers they carry.

The criminal gangs dubbed Wakali Kwanza from Mombasa county have been known for their cruelty and tension they cause around the area.

