Wallah Bin Wallah proposes death sentence for exam cheats

Swahili scholar Wallah Bin Wallah who has proposed death sentence for examination irregularity offenders PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA: Renown Swahili author Wallah Bin Wallah has urged the government to hang people found guilty of examinations irregularities.

Speaking in Mombasa on the sidelines of Kiswahili teachers’ conference, Wallah Bin Wallah said the vice is causing shame to the country.

“Exam cheating is a serious misdeed which needs to be dealt with and whoever is found cheating should be hanged.” He retorted.

The author, however, commended the government for its effort in ensuring transparency and zero tolerance towards cheating during the national examinations.

On the new education system 2-6-3-3-3, Wallah Bin Wallah said the new curriculum will benefit students more because it puts the emphasis on their overall performance as compared to 8-4-4 which heavily focused on academics only.

 “The new education system is good and people need change as time passes by. It engages the students more unlike the previous education system” said Wallah bin Wallah.

According to him, students should embrace social media while rejecting concerns that it has a negative influence on society.

“Social media is not bad for students because it’s educative. It’s the responsibility of the user to choose what he or she wants to look at. Social media is not bad. The people misusing it are the ones who are bad” he said.

Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohammed last week cautioned students who might involve themselves in exam irregularities, citing that those found will have to face the law.

She also assured parents that with the stringent measures put in place, there will be no exam leakage.

“The ministry of education already has set aside 4.2 billion for the administering of the exams,” said Amina.

222 examination centers have already been put under surveillance to prevent cases of examination irregularities.

