Former Sports PS Titus Ekai arrested over Rio Scandal

Former Sports PS Titus Ekai./COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA: Former Sports Principal Secretary Titus Ekai has been arrested over misappropriation of sh.55 million meant for the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Ekai and six others including Former Sports Cabinet Secretary Hassan Wario and former National Olympics Committee of Kenya (NOCK) chair Kipchoge Keino are facing six counts of Abuse of Office and four counts of Willful failure to comply with laws relating to the management of public funds.

Director of Public Prosecutions, DPP, Noordin Haji on Saturday gave the seven up to tomorrow to surrender to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) offices.

The seven are accused of; Embezzlement of sh.22,540,800, purchase of air tickets which were not utilized amounting to sh.16,872,497, overpayment of allowances amounting to sh.15,907,500 and incurring expenditure on unauthorized persons amounting to sh.6,590,286.

