President Kenyatta set to sign the Kenya Prisons Enterprise Corporation Order 2018


Nairobi, KENYA: President Kenyatta is set to sign the Kenya Prisons Enterprise Corporation Order 2018 at a later date.

According to statehouse press service, President Uhuru Kenyatta will soon sign the Kenya Prisons Enterprise Corporation Order of 2018, which will see establishment of the Kenya Prisons Enterprise Corporation, a State Corporation mandated to expand the scope of prisons work programs with the aim of unlocking the revenue potential of the prisons industry and ultimately turn it into a reformative and financially self-sustaining entity.

The new Corporation will also contribute to the realization of President Kenyatta’s Big 4 Agenda, particularly Food Security, Affordable Housing, and Manufacturing.

In this regard, it will be mandated to organize and manage the assets of the Prisons Department, including 86 prison farms with a total of over 18,225.9 acres of land.

The production and sale processes under the current Prisons Department’s enterprise directorate are managed by the Kenya Prison Farms Fund and the Kenya Prison Enterprise Fund.

Following the enactment of the Order, the two Funds will be merged to ensure the new Corporation operates under a typical business model purposely to spur economic growth in the Prisons Department.

According to the statement, the enactment of this Order will be followed by the appointment of the Corporation Board of Management and the recruitment of the Chief Executive Officer and the Secretariat.

The Corporation will eliminate bureaucracy and establish a culture of professional training and certification for the staff and inmates and foster ease of entry into partnership with the private sector on different spheres.

It will also act as a vehicle for strategic investment by government and ensure prisoners are rewarded through better pay for their labour.

The Corporation, which will operate as a State Corporation under the State Corporation Act Cap 446 Laws of Kenya, will be wholly owned by the Government and mainstreamed by the Prison Act Cap 90, Borstal Institution Act Cap 92 and Persons Deprived of Liberty Act of 2014.

