Man, 68, arrested for stabbing friend to death in Lamu


Lamu, KENYA: Police in Lamu County are holding a 68 year old man for allegedly stabbing his friend to death at Kiangwe village in Lamu East after the two fell out during an argument on Sunday.

The two were chatting while chewing miraa, when the 25 year old allegedly uttered something that did not sit well with the suspect, Omar Lola.

A witness said the knife went about 8cm deep into the deceased man’s stomach killing him on the spot.

Confirming the incident, Lamu County commissioner Joseph Kanyiri said the exact cause of the fatal altercation was yet to be established.

“We have the suspect in custody and we are interrogating him on why he killed the young man. However, whatever his reason, we are proceeding to charge him with first degree murder. We shall have him in court on Monday,” said Kanyiri.

The commissioner has warned locals against taking matters in their hands whenever faced with agitating situations adding that the law shall deal ruthlessly with such individuals so that they serve as an example to like minded individuals.

Meanwhile Boni Chief Yusuf Nuri wants Miraa banned in their area on grounds that it was contributing to increased conflicts among the community.

Nuri who is in charge of the terror prone Basuba ward in Lamu East cited the villages of Kiangwe, Basuba, Milimani, Mararani and Mangai as being worst affected by Miraa chewing in recent times.

“Many conflicts and fights reported in this area have Miraa in the background. The Bonis are just hunters and gatherers and this new found love for Miraa chewing isn’t our thing at all and that’s why it’s already spiraling out of control. We wish it was banned so its not sold to our people,” said Nuri.

