Celebrities speak on Jackie Maribe’s case

Celebrity news anchor Jacque Maribe PHOTO COURTESY

Several celebrities have spoken on TV anchor and Journalist Jacque Maribe’s case.

Actress Catherine Kamau mostly known as Celina has come out to defend Jacque Maribe.

The former mother in law actress took to Instagram to share her thoughts terming it unfair dragging Jacque’s name in the ordeal.

“I don’t think its fair to drag Jackie Maribe’s name in the mud like this. Call the suspect by his name! We’ve all made wrong choices at some point when it comes to love. Si fair aki,” captioned Celina on a picture of standard paper with Maribe’s story.

Jacque Maribe was named was dragged along after it emerged that she drove her Fiancee Joseph Irungu who was arraigned in court over the murder of Monica Kimani to hospital.

Police suspect that Jowie, as he is commonly known among his circles, could have shot himself to cover up for the murder.

Jacque Maribe presented herself on Thursday 27th at Kilimani police station where she recorded a statement with the detectives as her fiancée was remanded for ten days at Muthaiga police station pending the probe into Monica’s death.

Other celebrities who have stood with Jacque Maribe include State House Director Dennis Itumbi who urged Maribe to tell detectives everything that had transpired.

