DPP Noordin Haji distances himself from Daily Nation interview

DPP Noordin Hajj,/PHOTO file

Nairobi, KENYA: Director of public prosecution Noordin Haji has refuted claims that he had had a phone interview with Nation media journalist as stated in their publication.

In the corruption story by Nation media group’s paper Daily Nation  the headlines read as;

“I’ll nail down the Big fish – says Haji” something that the DPP has distanced himself from.

“The DPP has not had any telephone conversation with the author of the article. The DPP has not at any time in his press release or press conference said that he will bring down the high and mighty as alleged by the misleading heading in the fight against corruption,” read the press release by the DPP in part.

“In this regard, therefore, we demand an explanation and an immediate issue of an apology over the article,” read the statement.

The article as of now has been pulled down as a  probe into the article is being done.

“Editor’s Note: This story has been withdrawn to deal with factual questions,” reads the message on Nation’s website

This has come a time when the DPP has intensified the war on corruption and misuse of office by former and current political leaders and government officers the latest being the arrest of deputy chief justice Philomena Mwilu.

The DPP has been active on social media encouraging public participation of bringing the crooks and the corrupt to book, issuing probe into cases and arrest of the corrupt individuals irrespectful of their position and ranks they hold something that his precedents did not manage to.

Many Kenyans and politicians are happy of the ongoing war on corruption with some politicians promising full support to the president as he continues the fight on the vice.

