Fresh details emerge on beheaded cat found in Tana River county assembly

The corpse of the Mutilated cat that was found at the Tana River county assembly PHOTO COURTESY

Tana River, KENYA: Fresh details have now emerged in regards to an incident where the corpse of a beheaded cat was found at the Tana River county assembly during the Idd-ul Adhaa celebrations last week.

The cat was found dead on the floor in the office when the assembly was on recess.

The cat was believed to have been slaughtered with many linking the incident to witchcraft, as many were asking themselves unanswered questions on who slaughtered the cat in that office.

However, a section of Tana River residents are now linking the incident to an incident when the Tana River Governor Dhadho Godhana called on religious leaders to pray for the assembly.

“In that assembly, I know that Tana River has succeeded in tribalism because Satan is doing a very big job here, his job is to confuse people to do less important issues leaving aside the important matters. I beg in that assembly if there is Satan lets get sheikhs, imams, padre, bishops to pray ” governor Godhana  was quoted saying earlier in the year.

His utterances occurred when he was at logger head with the assembly over delays in approving the governor’s appointees for the positions of executive members.

However county officials  who confirmed the incident have refuted claims that the incident is linked to witchcraft.

County clerk Abdullahi Daib said that the cat died after it fought with another cat.

His statement was based on a CCTV footage which allegedly disclosed the scenario that led to the death of the domestic animal.

Mr. Abdullahi said that two cats fought leading to the death and that the blood was due to injuries on one of the fore limbs of the cat found dead.

“According to our CCTV video footage is that the cat died after fighting with another cat. The blood seen on the neck of the cat is from one of the legs which was dislodged out after being injured by the other. “he said.

