Kenya Women Holding re-brands as it raises awareness on gender based violence

Jane Mwai chair of Echo Network Africa with CEO Jennifer Riria and other members during a press conference in Nairobi.PHOTO/CHRISTOPHAR NYAMUTA

Kenya women holding has re-branded to Echo Africa Network as it raises red flag on gender based violence cases in the country.

In a media briefing in Nairobi, chair of Echo Africa Network, Jane Mwai and CEO Jennifer Riria said that they opted to re-brand the organization in order to avert confusion with other organizations especially those offering banking services.

They said that branding is inclined to expand their services including their roles, by being a developmental organization which will seek to partner with communities and county governments to initiate projects which will empower women, people living with disability, youth and men too.

The organization indicated that it will initiate projects which will see women across the country realize the 2/3 gender rule.

On the other hand, Riria said that Echo Africa Network is greatly concerned over increase of gender based violence being experienced across the country not only to women but to men too.

“When you talk about gender based violence, it is not only violence against women but also girls, boys and men,” Riria said

On Wednesday Daudi Nzomo, the man filmed assaulting his wife in Makueni was slapped with a 12 year jail term over his action.

Delivering the judgment, Makueni principal magistrate James Mwaniki said that he executed the the rule after considering Nzomos violent tendencies .

