Mombasa small-scale traders feel heat of proposed Mogoka ban

A Pack of Mogoka./PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa, KENYA: Small businesses are feeling the heat of the Mogoka demolitions in the county.

The small scale traders who say their were benefiting from the trade argued that the effects of the demolitions had already started sinking in days after the Mombasa county government   inspectorate officials launched a crackdown on Mogoka dens in Mombasa.

“I have been receiving orders to supply muguka around Tudor, Likoni and other places.On a good day i could receive up to 10 orders and at the end of the day i could make up to 700. Now all that is the past,” lamented Katana Karisa a tuktuk driver.

Joseph Mukind a kiosk owner lamented that the sale for chewing gums was poor due to the ban.

“I have been selling groundnuts and chewing gum  worth more than ksh 3000 without including other goods in this shop, unlike today where I don’t make  sales because most of clients have gone away,” Joseph Mukinda a shopkeeper said.

The demolition  has also affected  other traders who were operating in the Tononoka area which is the primary hub for the stimulant herb in Mombasa.

Fatuma Rashid a regular cake vendor at the venue has lamented  that she is no longer make usual earnings from selling of her cakes since muguka users were her main target customer.

“I have being selling cakes to muguka chewers for so long.This was their first stop over before settling down for their muguka but that is no longer the trend,” Fatuma Rashid a cake seller narrated.

The county officers began demolishing the structures at Tononoka grounds on Monday terming them as illegal structures.

The demolition came after a motion was tabled in the county assembly by nominated MCA Fatma Kushe to have the stimulant banned from in Mombasa County.

The Mombasa county assembly is expected to discuss the motion on Wednesday.

Should it be approved Mombasa will become the second county after Kwale to ban the stimulating  herb.

