Police use tear gas to disperse striking KNH workers

Striking Kenyatta National hospital workers , Police were forced to lob teargas to disperse striking KNH workers PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:Police in Nairobi were forced to lob tear gas canisters at a demo planned and organized by Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) workers on Monday over unpaid health services  allowances.

The workers had issued a letter to the hospital management that was signed by Kenya Union of Domestic Hotel, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied Workers KUDHEIHA secretary general Albert Njeru that over 47,000 workers had warned of a strike if their due of 2015 is not honored.

The letter indicates that the allowance which was recommended by salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) in March 2015 is yet to be effected.

“Patients are not like any other customers. They need care, but we also need our money which was to be paid in 2015” read the letter.

SRC in 2015 recommended a health service allowance before issuing a second circular that excluded some workers.

KNH sought funds to implement the allowance that were to be paid in two phases of 60 and 40 per cent in January and July last year.

