Only vetted security officers will be allowed to guard schools

A security guard. The government through the Ministry of Education has directed schools to be manned by vetted security firms and personnel. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA:The government has directed schools to be manned by vetted security firms and personnel to ensure that strangers are not allowed into schools compound at any time.

Education CS Amina Mohammed speaking during the launch of the education sector disaster management policy in Nairobi, cited that on the issue of insecurity in schools, it is wise to have qualified security officers who are skilled enough to handle cases of insecurities.

She added that school principals, Ministry of Education and Teacher’s Service Commission officials in the field are filing reports on the state of schools daily to ensure efficient, effective planning and response mechanisms are put in place.

The CS underlined the need of government, parents and the entire Kenyan public in addressing the issue of the destructive wave of unrest and school fires in order to curb the spread of the unfortunate trend.

“The second term destructive wave of unrest and school fires is indicative of underlying issues that we must address as government, parents and the entire Kenyan public,” said CS Amina.

The Ministry further urged parents and students not to be misled by criminals but instead use avenues provided to ventilate their frustrations either directly or through parents and guardians.

“As we continue to engage the relevant stakeholders, it is clear that certain entities are determined to defraud parents and students into believing that exams compromise is possible,” said Amina

“Every learner proved guilty of arson or conspiracy to commit the crime of arson will be subjected to the juvenile justice system,” She said.

According to the ministry’s report, during the recent long rains in the months of March to May, 739 schools failed to reopen, 329 schools were used as IDP Centers, 6,612 had learning materials destroyed, 6,175 classrooms were destroyed and 67,481 students could not access schools as a result of floods.

