Miss Lang’ata prison Ruth Kamande sentenced to death

Ruth Kamande at the Mlimani law courts, PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: The High Court has Sentenced Miss Lang’ata prisons, Ruth Kamande, to death.

Ruth was found guilty of killing her boyfriend Farid Mohamed by stabbing him 22 times in 2015. She has a right to appeal within 14 days.

Judge Jessie Lesiit on Thursday handed the death sentence to the 24-year-old who appeared before the high court today.

The judge said that Kamande acted in Malice and that her actions proved the same.

“I want it to be a lesson to young people not to kill their partners when love goes sour,” said the judge as she handed the sentence to Ruth Kamande.

He added that the death penalty will serve as a warning to young people who turn to violence when solving relationship problems.

“I want young people to know that it is not cool to kill your boyfriend or girlfriend instead it is cool to walk away from a relationship when it breaks down. The accused person won’t be a hero to others,” said Justice Lesiit.

The beauty queen had earlier defended herself by telling the court that she had discovered that her boyfriend was undergoing HIV treatment and threatened her when she confronted him over the matter.

