Missing Ngara girls form one student found in Bondeni

The missing Ngara girls form 1 student found in Bondeni PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA:A Form one student from Ngara girls school in Nairobi who went missing has been  found in Mombasa.

According to Mombasa urban police OCPD Eliud Monari, Sadia Aden  a 16 year old girl was found in Bondeni area by Faria Abdi  before she was taken to Urban police station.

Mr.Monari said that the girl was found wearing a night dress before the samaritian went with her home on Monday evening.

“Although she appeared to be fine but we have taken her to Coast general hospital for medical check up before she unites with her family” Monari said.

According to police the girls has a relative working with police service as a GSU and he has confirmed to be the relative of the girl.

The girl boarded a bus in Nairobi and travelled to Mombasa without the knowledge of the family or the school.

Mr.Monari also said that the girl informed police that she had problem with her  parents and that is  the reason she had ran away from school.

‘We have not arrested any person and we can confirm she was staying with a Kenyan and she is fine’ Monari added.

