Legislators link top government officials to contraband sugar

Trucks carrying the contraband sugar being detained at Kijipwa police station in Kilifi county in June,The government chemist has snubbed parliamentary summons to explain sugar findings PHOTO DAVID NGUMBAO
Nairobi,KENYA:Members of Agriculture committee in the National Assembly have alleged that top government officials and other top officials in the legislature are linked to contraband and poisonous sugar menace rocking the country.
In a media briefing at parliamentary buildings Dagoretti North member of parliament Simba Arati alleged that top government officials in the government and others from parliament are behind the illegal trade which is ongoing and  detrimental to Kenyans’ lives.
“It is well for the country  to be notified that the cartels  who are involved in the sugar smuggling of sugar into the country which is poisonous; they are cartels within parliament ,without the boundaries of parliament and we want to put it clear that it is not business as usual ,those ones who are in involved be it in parliament or in executive let them be dealt with.”Simba said
 The members downplayed the allegations of Agriculture cabinet secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri that the government arrested the owners of Diamond wholesale in Mombasa in connection with contraband sugar saying that the government must fastrack and arrest influential people  involved in smuggling illegal sugar to the country.
National Assembly Vice chair Emmanuel Wangwe put those involved on notice insisting that the committee will Summon those  behind the menace  and ultimately investigate the matter.
“We are  putting on notice sugar barons and cartels behind this heinous act ,that what they are engaging it amounts to murder and we shall not sit back and watch as as they kill our people.” Wangwe said
Meanwhile  Wangwe  cautioned Kenyans to be careful when handling sugar products across the country following the menace.
He urged the director of criminal investigation DCI to move with speed and bring to book people who might be linked to the illegal trade as parliament carries its investigations concurrently.

