Tana River County avails prophylactic drugs to combat cholera outbreak

Cholera patients receiving treatment at a hospital. Cholera infections in nothern Kenya have startled the government PHOTO: COURTESY.

Tana River, KENYA: The county government of Tana River has put in measures to contain the Cholera outbreak in  Madogo area that has since left one person dead.

Speaking to the Baraka FM on Monday, County Commissioner Oning’oi Olesosio said medical officers had identified the source of the outbreak and hence supplied people drawing water from the lager with water purifiers.

“Medicals officers yesterday moved into the villages sharing the lager and gave the people Pur water purifiers to treat the water they draw from the lager,” he said.

He also said that the numbers of patients in the Cholera Treatment Units had reduced after more than 20 patients were discharged having fully recovered.

Mr. Ole Sissio said the cholera drugs that were earlier missing from the hospitals had been made available after the County government procured enough supplies.

Earlier on, patients were forced to buy the drugs from private pharmacies that hiked their prices, after the county government failed to procure the drugs.

The drugs that normally sell at Sh80 per can were being sold at Sh300 in pharmacies, hence too expensive for patients to cope with as one patient required more than ten cans of the drug.

Ole Sissio also urged residents to take hygiene instructions seriously, urging them to report any similar symptoms with the medical officers.

78 people had been affected as at Thursday, with four villages in Madogo having been worst hit.

Furthermore, the affected villages continue to be disinfected, as UNICEF engages locals in hygiene training and routine services.

