Lamu MCA’s demand probe into faulty sh 248M headquarters

Photo of the current county headquarters in Mokowe town. PHOTO: NATASHA NEMA

Lamu,KENYA:Lamu MCAs wants a probe launched into the construction of the Sh.284 Million new county headquarters in Mokowe that has been rendered useless due to immense leaking.

The premise was put up approximately ten months ago under the reign of ex Lamu governor Issa Timamy.

The building has been leaking heavily each time it rains forcing governor Fahim Twaha and his officers to vacate.

On more than one occasion, the governor has been forced to conduct his meetings under a tree outside the headquarters.

Speaking in Lamu town on Friday,Lamu MCAs say the situation is not just embarrassing but also a waste considering the millions that went into setting up the headquarters.

Led by majority leader Yahya Shee,the MCAs are now calling on the EACC to come in and probe the matter in order to establish if the contractor who put it up dully complied with all the required regulations.

Shee says it’s possible the contractor wasn’t well conversant with working on a building of that magnitude hence the shoddy work.

If found culpable,the MCAs want the contractor prosecuted for endangering lives and misuse of public funds.

They also want the contractor compelled to return all the funds used to put up the premise.

“I have personally been there and its pathetic and to imagine that a whole Sh.284 Million went into it is puzzling.Its obvious that someone didn’t do their job well and we want that probed.We are asking the EACC to come in and find out what went wrong and prosecute all culprits.They must also be compelled to return all that money,”said Shee.

The MCAs’ sentiments come a week after Lamu senator Anwar Loitiptip wrote to the EACC requesting for a probe into the same matter.

Loitiptip says he suspects there was immense misuse of funds both at the tender allocation level and even during the physical construction of the premise.

