Middle aged man ran over by train in Voi

The Old Railway line in Voi.Four people are currently in custody over vandalizing a section of the railway in Mtito Andei PHOTO COURTESY

Taita Taveta,KENYA:Shock and sadness gripped Sofia village in Voi Sub-county on Sunday after the body of a middle aged man was found dismembered lying on the old railway line.

The victims body parts were scattered all over  as the train had dragged the man for over 20 meters and a cargo train had to wait for over two hours for police to clear the scene .

Detectives in Voi Taita Taveta County have launched investigations to unravel the death of a 50 year old man.

Confirming the incident,Voi OCPD Joseph Chesire said police were exploring two options to unravel the murder; whether the deceased was drunk and slept on the railway  before being ran over or if he was killed elsewhere and the body dumped at Sofia before eventually being run over by the train.

“We shall determine this once investigations are finalized ,” Chesire  said.

Following the incident ,Mr Chesire has called on families whose loved ones are missing to report to the police to help identify the body.

The Voi OCPD said the deceased’s body is lying at Moi Referral Hospital mortuary awaiting a postmortem. 

