78-year-old man slashed to death over love affair

A 52-year-old man died at a lodging in Migori./COURTESY

Kwale, KENYA: A 78-year-old man was slashed to death in his house by unknown people  in Shirazi village, Msambweni sub county, Kwale.

The incident occurred at around 10 pm on Sunday.

According a report by Kwale County Commissioner Karuku Ngumo, a gang of three assailants stormed the deceased’s home and slashed the deceased to death following allegations that he was involved in a love affair with one of the gang members’ wife.

Another 65-year-old man was also been beaten to death by an angry crowd following theft allegations.

Mr.  Ngumo told Baraka FM that the deceased known as Chirongo Mlango, was caught in action stealing at a shop in Dzendereni village in Kibandaongo Kinango of Kwale County.

Following the rise of death cases caused by theft allegations, Mr. Ngumo has warned residents against taking matters into their own hands.

