Check out Lilian Muli’s response to fan who attacked her after unveiling new TV show


Citizen TV prime-time news anchor Lilian Muli Kanene has come out strongly to respond to a hater who criticized her new Tv program that will be documenting her pregnancy.

The fan wrote:

“I personally respect mothers who decide to keep their pregnancy and babies private that is a sacred part of their lives. However, if some feel compelled to share information this is okay except starting a whole show like Lilian Muli called “pregnant with Lilian” is so irrelevant. Trying to stay relevant by posting pregnancy photos and baby photos is just another way of saying you lack substance. So dear celebrity mothers it is great that you are pregnant and we hope you have a great experience, but such content is tiring, overrated and does not need that much attention.”

Lilian Muli’s ‘Pregnant with Lilian’  is set to air on Royal media’s Viusasa platform.The aim of the show will be to enlighten women on how they can care for their bodies and share her pregnancy journey as well.

Muli revealed that the programme, will share the challenges she has encountered and milestones achieved in the course of her pregnancy with a view to helping expectant mothers and new mothers, and even men, learn from them.

Here is what Lilian Muli’s response to the fan was:
“I see so much beauty in those who wish others well. I, however, pity those who thrive on poisonous thoughts and slanderous tongues. I can’t and don’t intend to please everyone but for those of you who have been supportive and even criticized constructively God bless you. I focus on the positives always. Every brick they threw at me I used to stand on.” If you don’t know by now I’m a survivor.”

