Tana River Women Rep calls on Govt,well-wishers to help floods victims

Bura village five in Tana River County where the flooding has occurred. PHOTO: CHIDULU SAID.

Tana River, KENYA: Tana River Women Rep Rehema Hassan has appealed to government agencies and other humanitarian organizations to move in with speed and salvage the flooding crisis hitting the county.

Speaking to Baraka FM on Tuesday, Hassan said that the situation is worsening after rivers burst their banks rendering many residents homeless as their homesteads were submerged ultimately losing everything.

The legislator said that the hunger crisis, lack of shelter and health complications are some of the challenges residents are going through the warning that if action is not be taken in time the situation might get out of hand.

“The hunger crisis is getting worse, people don’t have food completely, the chief called and told me that some people have started vomiting due to the worsening situation,” Hassan said.

“Houses, especially in Galole, have been submerged, the government and all well wishers kindly I urge you to move with speed and salvage the TanaRiver crisis, we need all sorts of help.”She added

Rehema said that at least ten people have lost their lives due to the catastrophe as reports indicate that at least 1,800 people have been marooned by floods especially in Tana River, Bura and Tana Delta sub-counties.

The catastrophe has forced the worst affected families to spend the nights outside and on rooftops.

She indicated that even though the Ministry of Devolution, county government and Redcross have moved in to supply aid to affected residents the situation is getting worse.

Consequently, She said that there is a need for the government to fast-track the road networks in the area especially TanaRiver -Garissa road in order to enhance transportation in the area, especially during the rainy season.

