Five month foetus found dumped in garbage bin in Ukunda

Ibiza market in Kwale county.The county government has ordered markets reopened PHOTO LAWRENCE SITA

Kwale,KENYA:A five months male foetus has been found dumped in a waste collection bin at Ibiza market in Ukunda Msambweni Kwale County.

The foetus was found wrapped in a polythene bag by  market sellers on Wednesday evening attracting a crowd.

Residents suspects that a woman carried out an abortion and dumped the foetus in the bin.

They have called on the authorities to carry out investigations and apprehend the one behind the act.

 “This is not the first case, there were others who were dumped near the toilet and another one of nine months which was dumped in this very bin” said Doris James.

Aisha Zonga one of the witnesses said women who do not want to get pregnant should visit health centers for family planning instead of terminating pregnancy.

“There are women who cannot get pregnant, the one who did this could have waited to give birth and give out the child for adoption” she said.

