Akothee rejected by boyfriend cum manager Nelly Oak’s family

Akothee and her Manager Nelly Oaks, PHOTO COURTESY

Word on the street is that controversial songstress Esther Akoth aka Akothee’s relationship with her manager cum boyfriend Nelly Oaks has left a bad taste in the mouth to Oak’s family.

According  a source close to the two who both hail from Migori, Akothee’s relationship  with Nelly has caused  Nelly’s father to sink into depression and alcoholism.

The source further claim’s that Akothee confused Nelly and hence the father has not been quite pleased with Akothee.

“In November 2017, I was at their rural home in Rongo. Akothee’s place is also not very far from Nelly’s home. The woman confused him and the dad is not very happy man,” The source told a local entertainment newssite.

The source further intimates that Akothee is way older than Oaks who is rumored to be 25 years.

Nelly comes from a well off family as his grandfather is the late internal security PS Hezekiel Nelson Oyugi and his father Job Oyugi is said to be living in Kileleshwa.

Oaks attended the prestigious St Andrews Turi where he was still a student in 2008 before joining the prestigious York University in Canada where he studied Bachelors in Business Administration before graduating in 2014.

This comes amidst rumors that Akothee could ne pregnant with Oak’s baby which if indeed true would be Akothee’s 6th baby.

