Kilifi county protocol officer on the spot over child defilement allegations


Kilifi,KENYA: Kilifi County Government protocol officer Kazungu John is a man being hunted by police officers over allegations of defiling a 15 year old girl.

The said girl is a class six pupil at a primary school in the outskirts of Kilifi town and further reports indicate that Kazungu had gotten her pregnant and aided her to terminate the pregnancy after learning the matter was in the public limelight.

Speaking in his office on Wednesday, Kilifi OCPD Alexander Makau said Kazungu is currently on the run and police were hunting him down.

“I want to confirm that actually the Governor’s Protocol Officer John Kazungu is accused of defiling a child and we are pursuing him,” Makau said.

“We have processed the case file and we promise that sooner than later we will arrest him,” added Makau.

The OCPD further said that they have been searching for the officer for the past two weeks and when arrested, he will be charged with defilement and involvement in inducing an abortion exercise.
Baraka FM established that a letter summoning Kazungu to report to the Kilifi police station for questioning over the matter on November 16, 2017 was delivered to the office of the Governor on November, 14 to the the Chairman Office of the Governor Mr Fred Ndambuki but to date Kazungu has never reported to the station.

Kilifi county govt officer arrested over conning allegations

Makupe Mwamuye, the father to the girl who is a casual worker in Shanzu told Baraka FM that he learnt about the matter after he was summoned by his daughter’s primary school head teacher who complained over his daughter being indisciplined and possessing a lot of money.

Mwamuye decided to visit his daughter in Mtaani area of Kilifi where the girl stays with her grandmother and he was informed that she had been missing.

“She was missing at home and when we looked for her, we found her at Marembo where we took her to the police station,” he added.

The father added that after she was released, the girl disappeared again only to be traced in the outskirts of Kilifi town before police urged him to leave her under their care .

The father of 4 children however said he is afraid that the perpetrator might be the one behind the frequent disappearances of her daughter in a bid manipulate the daughter to deny the matter.

“I am keenly following on the case because my daughter was bright in class and her life is now ruined. The police interrogated her and she told us that the man is the one behind everything,” he added.

Kilifi North Sub County Children Officer Kennedy Owino said the matter came to his attention on October, 30, 2017 when the police sought his assistance to have the girl undergo a comprehensive medical test at the Kilifi County hospital.

However when contacted by Baraka FM, Kazungu distanced himself from the allegations saying that the he was not hiding and was ready to solve the matter in court to prove his innocence.

