Court strikes out petition challenging Mike Sonko’s election

Nairobi governor Mike Sonko at his inauguration at Uhuru Park on August 21, 2017. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi,KENYA:The High court in Nairobi on Tuesday morning struck out a petition filed by two voters Challenging the election of Nairobi governor Gideon Mbuvi Mike Sonko.

In a decision made by high court judge Justice Msagha Mbogoli, the petitioners were also ordered to foot the cost of the petition to both Mike Sonko and the Independent electoral and boundaries commission which amounts to sh. 5 million.

The Petitioners Japheth Muroko and Zaccheus Okoth had earlier applied to have the case dismissed citing lack of interest in pursuing the case.

On Monday, one of the petitioners Japheth Muroko who was scheduled to testify on Monday failed to show up with his lawyer telling the court that he was held up at the Kilimani police station recording statements on his family receiving death threats on his mobile phone over the weekend.

