ODM Kwale officials slam Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori over his remarks

Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori (centre) at a past briefing. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Kwale, KENYA: A section of Kwale County ODM officials and supporters have slammed Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori over his remarks that NASA leadership has sidelined Coastal MPs.

Dori, who chairs coast parliamentary group, had apologized to the electorates on behalf of other coast MPs saying they made a mistake to lead them to a party where their interests are not well addressed.

However, the Kwale ODM officials have said Dori has no capacity to apologize and instead it is the officials who are supposed to apologize for accommodating him (Dori) in a party where he should not be a member.

They asked him to resign from his seat if he is not comfortable in ODM and NASA and seek a fresh mandate through a by-election in another party.

They said that Dori is a Jubilee sympathizer and he should join the party immediately.

“We kindly request the MP that he is free to join any party of his choice if possible he can even resign and contest for the seat in that very party he thinks is the best,” said William Opondo the Kwale County ODM secretary.

Dori was accused of not actively participating in NASA activities including the countrywide demonstrations led by NASA leadership.

“In fact, the MP was merely using ODM as a ladder to climb to the seat and he is not a member in any way,” said Opondo.

Opondo said that Dori should not claim that Coast MPs have not been given opportunities to serve in parliament because Aisha Jumwa (Malindi), Mishi Mboko (Likoni) and Abdulswamad Nassir (Mvita) have been elected in various committees.

“Whatever Dori is talking is talking on his behalf and he is not speaking for us and we want to tell him that we don’t want him, let him go and leave us in ODM,” said Athman Abdallah.

Msambweni Sub-County ODM organizing secretary Shaban Luchesi accused Dori of bringing outsiders to Kwale County to be nominated as MCAs in a bid break ODM.

