80-year old man accused of raping, infecting 9-year-old with HIV

A former headteacher in Kilifi has been arraigned in court over defiling his students PHOTO COURTESY

Lamu, KENYA: Police in Lamu are pursuing an 80-year-old man who allegedly raped and infected a 9-year-old girl with HIV/AIDS.

Mr. Francis Nge’the Gakuru is said to have committed the act on December 13 this year at Sabasaba village in Hindi, Lamu West.

Neighbors who came to the girl’s rescue after hearing noises from the homestead said the old man lured the class three girl using sweets worth sh.50 to a bush where he raped her severally.

Mr Julius Mwangi who is a Nyumba Kumi official in the village said the man went into hiding upon discovering that his act had been found out by villagers.

“We just heard screams from the girl but upon reaching the thicket, the old man had already done what he wanted and fled. The girl had been left at home with her younger siblings before the old man came calling and lured the girl using sweets. He took her into the bushes, away from her siblings where he committed the evil plan. We can’t find him and we are very mad,” said Mr. Mwangi.

Confirming the incident, Hindi Division Nyumba Kumi Chairman Mr. Peter Mwaura said the girl was taken to hospital after the incident where an examination report indicated that the girl had truly been raped and infected with HIV.

“It is true. The old man raped the girl. We took the girl to hospital and doctors proved that. It’s unfortunate that the small innocent girl was also infected with a sexually transmitted infection and she was given medicine. For the whole week, we have cooperated with the police in searching for the man whose whereabouts remains unknown up to date. We are so angered that such a person can do what he did to a child who is young enough to be his great-grandchild,” said Mr. Mwaura.

Contacted, Lamu County Commissioner Gilbert Kitiyo said police were still searching for the man and that he will be charged as soon as he is found.

“I haven’t received the report in my office so far and I have no idea. However, police are on it and if true, the old geezer will face the law,” said Mr. Kitiyo.

The incident also angered villagers in the area who are now asking the police to allow them to search for the man and beat him to death.

“Who doesn’t know that old Ng’ethe is suffering from HIV/AIDS? It’s unfortunate that the man has destroyed the life of a minor by raping her and infecting her with the disease. We want the police to give us our way to find the man and lynch him,” said Mr. John Kariuki, a bodaboda operator at Hindi town

