Mombasa county passes motion to form people’s assembly


Mombasa,KENYA: The Mombasa County Assembly has passed a motion to establish a people’s assembly.

The motion moved by majority leader Hamisi Mwidani, was passed unanimously on Wednesday.

The mover of motion Mtongwe ward MCA Mr Mwidani said the motion seeks to bring power back to the people.

“Mr. Speaker for a long time we as the opposition who is the majority, have been taken for a ride by computer generated leaders.We want to take the real power back to the people”, said Mr Mwidani.

Deputy majority leader, who is also Portriez MCA Fadhili Mwalimu, supported the motion saying it is aimed at making sure the peoples vote counts during any election.

He blamed the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) for conducting an illegal, unconstitutional election on the 26th of October.

They termed the Jubilee government as an illegal government and said they don’t recognize President Uhuru Kenyatta as the legitimate president and added to continue fighting for a repeat presidential election on February 2018.

“We as opposition have had hurdles in fighting for the rights of our people, and the formation of the people’s assembly will make sure the people voice during any election is heard”, said Mwalimu.

Airport Ward MCA Ibrahim Omondi also known as Bomoa, said the formation of people’s assembly will enable election reforms and end dictatorship leadership.

Deputy governor William Kingi, was present during the debate.

This makes Mombasa 11th county assembly to adopt the motion.

