Ali Kiba , Diamond in fresh supremacy battle

Diamond Platnumz and Ali Kiba PHOTO COURTESY

Bongo flavour  Arch rivals Diamond Platnumz and Ali Kiba are involved in a fresh supremacy battle.

The two who have in the past set Tanzanian tabloids talking over their alleged supremacy battle have dropped songs days apart just months after pulling another stunt in August where both artistes dropped Zilizopendwa and Seduce me two hits that were competing in the Tanzanian music charts in late August and September.

On Tuesday 28th, Diamond dropped two hit singles Sikomi and Niache which are said to be a dedication to his exes who include Hamisa Mobeto, Wema Sepetu and Penny Mungilwa.

In one of the songs niache which fans have concluded was directed to his estranged baby mama Hamisa Mobeto who recently lost a court case she had filed in a bid to compel to pay child support, the singer urges an unknown ex to leave him alone saying he no longer loves her and has been cheating on her all along.

While in Sikomi Diamond talks about his past mistakes of dating multiple women despite being advised against it by his elder sister Esma, his infamous breakup with Wema Sepetu and dating Penny Mungilwa who later turned out to be his cousin and whom he alleges aborted his baby.

Barely a day after Diamond dropped his new songs, Ali Kiba released an unofficial video to his yet to be dropped hit Maumivu on’ Wednesday.

According to Kiba he decided to drop the song on Wednesday to treat his fans during his birthday.

“Maumivu Per Day is an unofficial release of one of the most loved previous songs. I decided to unofficially release it today to celebrate my special day with my fans. I hope you enjoy it. I love you from the bottom of my heart and God Bless you all. King!” Ali Kiba wrote.

Ali Kiba also has dropped a new song ‘single’ which he has collaborated with his brother Abdul Kiba.


None of the Tanzanian celebrities who include Wema Sepetu  and Jokate Mwengelo who  have in the past taken sides in the battle between Ali Kiba and Diamond have made remarks on the latest development.


