Civil societies want IEBC overhauled by 2022

Kenya Human Rights Commission. Kenya Human Rights Commission Executive Director George Kegoro .PHOTO: COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA:A section of civil societies in Kenya are putting pressure on  the IEBC chairperson and the secretariat to vacate office by 2022.

Led by the executive director of the Kenya Human Rights Commission George Kegoro, the activists say stepping aside is the only way to unite Kenyans.

Kegoro recommended the formation of a transitional electoral and boundaries commission so as  to prepare for the 2022 elections and to reinstate the confidence of Kenyans in the body.

“If I were Chebukati and his people and his people at the IEBC because there is a significant part of the population that is angry at how the election was managed and will be demanding changes at the IEBC ..Chebukati should put in place a transition plan” Kegoro said.

“Chebukati needs to tell the country that within the next period I and the commissioners will vacate office” Kegoro added.

Kegoro whose KHRC has locked horns with the NGO coordination Board in recent months which they have attributed to their stand for the reforms at the IEBC say the overhaul will ensure that the commissioners are not tied to jobs.

Kegoro was speaking to media at the annual jurists’ conference which kicked off on Wednesday at the Serena Hotel in Mombasa.

However the IEBC Chair Wafula Chebukati who was speaking to journalists at the same conference said that he had confidence that IEBC had conducted the October 26th election in a free and fair manner.

“There are clear guidelines as to the term of office and exit from office I believe those are his personal views and not the views of Kenyans.”Chebukati said.

Chebukati said they were waiting for the full judgement from the Supreme court so as to streamline the body.

