Joy and celebration in Lamu over supreme court’s decision

Jubilee supporters celebrating in Lamu PHOTO NATASHA NEMA

Lamu,KENYA:Jubilee Supporters in Lamu have set aside an evening to celebrate Uhuru Kenyatta’s win at the Supreme Court.

Led by Mkomani Ward MCA, Yahya Ahmed Shee, the jovial supporters ran around the streets of Lamu Island, singing and dancing while carrying placards with messages to congratulate the Supreme Court for upholding Uhuru Kenyatta’s win during the October 26 Presidential repeat poll.

Similar celebrations were also recorded in Hindi and Mpeketoni towns where the Jubilee Party enjoys a massive support base.

Businesses in Lamu, Hindi and Mpeketoni towns were interrupted for hours with most activities coming to a standstill in the respective towns when supporters of the Jubilee Party moved around the streets carrying Jubilee placards while singing and dancing their heart out.

Those interviewed by Baraka Fm on the Island lauded the Supreme Court for the decision to uphold Presidential Kenyatta’s election saying it came at the right time.

Mkomani Ward MCA who is also the leader of Majority in the Lamu County Assembly, having been elected on a Jubilee party ticket Mr Yahya Ahmed Shee said justice finally prevailed on Monday.

“We are impressed by the court’s decision to uphold President Kenyatta’s win in the October 26 election. Let’s now focus on developing our county. Politics are over and I call on Kenyans to observe peace for the betterment of this nation. As for the Lamu Jubilee supporters, we will have decided to set aside this day to celebrate President Uhuru Kenyatta’s win throughout the night till dawn tomorrow,” said Mr Shee.

Ms Susan Chege said she was happy with the court’s decision and said she is now focused on seeing her children attending free primary and secondary education as from next year.

“I have a daughter who has finished class eight and will be joining form one as from next year. I am a small-scale trader and my business had been adversely affected by the political climate in the country. I was worried about school fees from January but thank God that Uhuru Kenyatta’s win has been upheld. That means there is free secondary and primary education come January as promised by our President,” said Ms Chege.

Former Councilor for Mkomani Ward, Mr Omar Makenzie called on the opposition leaders to accept defeat and allow Kenyans to concentrate on developing their lives.

