Balala to lobby for renovation of Mama Ngina girls

Students from Mama Ngina girls high school PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA:Tourism Cabinet secretary Najib Balala has promised to lobby for the revamping of Mama Ngina girls high school in Mombasa.

Speaking during an early morning visit to K.C.S.E  students in the school on Tuesday, Balala said the school needed to be renovated to ensure its standards are at a par with those of other national schools in the country.

This is a national school Madam Omar …We are very proud of Mama Ngina girls high school and we want to support it. I am going to lobby for this school to be rebuilt.” Said Tourism Cs Najib Balala.

Balala who was accompanied by the Mombasa county commissioner Evans Achoki also donated sh 100,000 to the school to facilitate lunch for K.C.S.E candidates at the school.

Mama Ngina girls school which was a provincial school was upgraded to a national school by the government in 2011.

