SGR Introduces inter-county train service 

The SGR station in Mombasa. The Madaraka express services that were halted in March will resume on Monday. PHOTO: FILE

Mombasa,KENYA:Kenyans who are fond of travelling on the standard gauge railway train SGR now have a reason to smile.

This is after Kenya railways effective 1st November introduced the intercounty railway service.

Inter county trains will simultaneously leave Mombasa and Nairobi at 8am.

They will make stop overs at Mariakani, Naisenyi, Voi, Mtito Andei, Makindu, Emali and Athi River.

Previously Madaraka express has been operating one trip daily the Nairobi –Mombasa trip which leaves simultaneously at 9.00 am.

However with the new timetable, the Nairobi-Mombasa  express trip has been pushed to 3.30 pm everyday.

The SGR coaches have a capacity of 1,200 passengers per trip.

This development comes just a few months after the train introduced an online booking SSD code edging out  unlicensed ticket vendors.

According to the training service, more than 273,000 commuters have used the train since it was launched  on June 1st by the president.

