Tana council of elders vow to support Godhana

Tana River governor Dadho Godhana during his wearing in ceremony.The governor has vowed to dismantle land grabbing cartels in his county PHOTO COURTESY
Tana River,KENYA:Council of elders in Tana River county are raising their voice to support governor Dhadho Godhana in taking the government forward despite court petition.
Elders from different communities in the county urged the county boss to dis-considered petition allegations instead to move his developmental spirit towards Tanararians.
Mr Kesi Wario hayu (king) for Munyoyaya community, Bakari Kiragho for Pokomo community, Ramadhan Divayu Babisani hayu (king) for Iluana community,  Abdi Hassan alias koplo Abdiof the Wardei community,
The elders lamented on the first speech of governor Godhana saying it considered mostly youth and women isolating men.
Raising the issue, Hayu Kesi Wario Insisted to the governor that his government should consider elders.
Wario urged his fellow gasa elders to unite and to elect leaders for the council as one way to push the government to recognize them.
“We know, with elders nothing goes a stray. But we are surprised why the elders were left out? So we as elders should be recognized and I’m speaking as an acting chairman for gasa in the county until when we  elect leaders,” he said.
Mr Babisani also proclaimed to the MCAs that they should perform their constitutional duties of protecting public resources.
He added that the county assembly is the tool to change those who are living in poverty by improving their daily basis bread giving activities through economic upgrade.
Babisani affirmed that the county assembly is the tool to blame whenever issues of funds mismanagement arise.
“The MCAs are to blame and not executive, because you’re the watchmen in the government why should you admit people to misuse public resources?
Since then people whom I met selling potatoes are doing the same job up to date while Tana River is full of resources,” Mr Babisani added.
 Mr. Babisani insisted to the county government to make use of devolution in changing lives of the residents.
Elders confirmed to governor Godhana that elections were free and fair and that any petition was null and void.
All community elders said they will stand behind him against the court petition to move the county government forward for the county to taste benefits of devolution.

