Kiraithe wants supreme court ruling availed in layman terms

Government spokesperson Eric Kiarithe addressing journalists in Nairobi on Wednesday PHOTO MICHAEL MBUGUA

Nairobi, KENYA: The government has called upon the  Supreme Court to move with speed and avail information to the common mwananchi the grounds on which the presidential petition verdict was reached.

Addressing journalists on Wednesday in Nairobi, government spokesman Eric Kiraithe said that it is high time Kenyans know what really prompted  the judges to come up with such a decision.

“This verdict came as a shock to many Kenyans and since then, various opinions have been expressed. By any standards this remains a matter of critical public interest. It is therefore not surprising that this verdict has received condemnation applause in equal measures.”lamented Kiraithe.

He pointed out that he is not referring to the full judgment couched in legal terms expected in 21 days of the verdict but they want simple, factual and logical information for consumption by the ordinary Mwananchi walking on the streets.

He argued that, by doing so, it will be regarded as imperative on an open and democratic society on matters of such critical public interest.

The government spokesman also issued a warning on those that operate under the cover of social media and propagate hate speech related to the verdict by the Supreme Court, warning that the law would catch up with such people soon.

On the same note, the government promised to support the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission in ensuring that the October 17 presidential elections are carried out in a free and fair manner.

Kiraithe took the opportunity to urge Kenyans to carry out the campaigns peacefully and do the voting on 17th October in the same spirit they exhibited to the world on the 8th of August.

