Man killed over sh 200 in Likoni


Mombasa,KENYA: An irate mob  killed a 25-year old man over allegations that he had snatched sh 200 from a reveler.

According to police sources who spoke to Baraka FM,the suspect had robbed a reveler in one of the popular pubs situated at  ferry area at around 3 am on Friday.

He  had fled the scene and got into the passengers waiting bay, when an irrate mob who  had raised alarm and were pursuing him cornered him around ferry area and stoned him to death.

Likoni DCI boss Henry Ndombi  confirmed the incident terming it as  unfortunate and warned members of public against taking law into their own hands.

“We have information that the suspect had stolen some money from a reveler at the pub and as he was escaping he was intercepted and killed by irate mob,”said  the DCI boss.

Police are yet to identify the deceased whose body was moved to the coast general mortuary.

