Business disrupted as rival gangs clash in Likoni

Businesses remain closed in part of Likoni PHOTO /WELDON KEMBOI

Mombasa,KENYA:Business came to a standstill on  Friday in Likoni after two popular  rival criminal gangs attacked each other.

Unconfirmed reports says at least five people were slashed by the gangs in Timbwani during the incident.

The young thugs group had clashed with Watalia gang after one of its member was beaten by their rivals.

Baraka FM gathered that at about 4pm, over 100 members of Watalia from Timbwani thronged through Majengo mapya area heading to Bofu; a territory of a group christened “young thugs”.

The circumstances under which their member was attacked is still unclear.

Likoni police chief Benjamin Rotich confirmed that four suspects were arrested and efforts to trace others are ongoing.

“Our officers are still interrogating the four who are in custody. We will establish they belong to which gang of the two who clashed”Rotich told Baraka FM.

Another police officer aware of the incident but who requested to remain anonymous said the suspects numbering 100 were matching like troops on the road armed with pangas and machetes.

“As soon as were were alerted we rushed to the area only to find the suspects large in number matching like police officers in a  parade,they didn’t even run but continued with their journey,” said police source.

We called for reinforcement and that is when the suspects dispersed but they had already attacked their rivals”,added the source.

Businesses remained closed  Saturday morning as people in the area feared the suspects may regroup again.

Police bosses had on Thursday warned parents to blame themselves if their children who are members of the group are arrested.

Area police chief Benjamin Rotich said during the meeting at Likoni social hall  that the government will not sit back and watch  the gangs take over the area but will do anything possible to make sure peace remained.

He spoke after receiving over 100 members of MRC whom Majority are ex police officers.

