Meet Lamu Senator elect’s mother who drives county ambulance

Lamu Senator elect Anwar Loitiptip together with mother Umi Mohamed Kheri sharing an emotional moment. PHOTO: NATASHA NEMA.

Lamu, KENYA: The mother to Lamu senator elect Anwar Loitiptip has sworn not to quit her job as an ambulance driver in the county.

Umi Kher Mohamed,51, works as a principal ambulance driver at the Mpeketoni sub-county hospital.

She has been at her job for over 15 years now and says she sees no reason why she should quit simply because her son got elected as a senator.

Umi says she has raised her children in extreme poverty and doesn’t believe a good job should be thrown away simply because another opportunity has arisen.

“Am proud of my son and what he has become today.Its the dream of any mother for her children to achieve so much in life.I have been through a lot raising my children.Poverty has been our guest so many times but I thank God that we have come this far.And that’s why I don’t plan on quitting my job just because Anwar is now a senator.I will still continue working to earn my bread and take care of my younger children.I know Anwar will help but I will still do my part as mother,”said Umi.

She said she in not in her job just for the money, but also for also for the reward that God has in store for her, following the service she renders to patients in need of her services at the Mpeketoni hospital.

“Its Anwar who has been elected senator not me.My duty lies with patients at the Mpeketoni hospital and its not just about the money,it’s about God rewarding for my duty at the end of it all and to top it all,I love my job and haven’t ever dreamt of quitting,”she said.

Asked if she would have her son get her a more senior position in the county,Umi said she was comfortable with her position as a driver and that under no circumstance would she take advantage of her son’s position to get herself to a place she didn’t qualify for since it would be a sin even before God.

“I will remain a driver till I retire and am not ashamed of my job just for the record.I cant use my son to get myself elsewhere.I am just happy of his achievement but I will continue with my job,”she said.

The senator elect is Umi’s third born child amongst his four siblings and her mother says his is a deserved win, having campaigned miserably on foot and sometimes using motorcycles.

“We don’t have much as a family but he did all he could to reach out to his people during campaigns.He would go on foot for his campaigns or sometimes on motorcycles but we thank God thar he won.His duty now lies with the Lamu people,”said Anwar.

Meanwhile, the senator elect had pledged to use his young age to woo the youth off drugs,a major vice that has affected many youth in Lamu.

Loitiptip,31 who vied on a Jubilee party ticket, floored seven political ‘legends’ in the general elections held last week.

Speaking in Lamu town on Wednesday,Loitiptip said atleast 40% of Lamu youth were hooked onto drugs and that the major reason for that was the lack of employment.

He said he would push his level best to ensure creation of job opportunities for the Lamu youth in order to keep their minds off drugs.

“The main reason why the youth here use drugs is because they have no jobs,nothing else to do and we all know the mind runs fast when one is too idle.We must create jobs to keep such minds busy.I am also looking into bringing in sponsors to set up a rehab centre for those affected but willing to change,”said Loitiptip.

He advised the to be noble and seek for honorable livelihoods and steer clear from drugs.

He also pledged to fight and ensure the LAPSSET benefits the people of Lamu more.

