NASA postpones much awaited address


Nairobi, KENYA: The National Super Alliance has postponed the much awaited address to the nation citing urgency, complexity and nature of the issues being discussed by the NASA summit.

In a statement sent to news rooms on Tuesday, NASA principal Musalia Mudavadi said the coalition will issue a comprehensive statement to the nation on Wednesday.

“We regret that the consultations are taking longer than anticipated and NASA will therefore not address Kenyans today as expected.” Read part of the letter.

“Nasa will issue a comprehensive statement to the nation tomorrow.” Concluded the statement.

The NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga was to address the nation to give the way forward regarding the coalition’s decision after not accepting IEBC results that declared Uhuru Kenyatta as president elect.

READ ALSO: IEBC declares Uhuru Kenyatta as the new President Elect


