Double loss for K24’s Mwanaisha Chidzuga

Mwanaisha Chidzuga and her husband Danson Mungatana PHOTO COURTESY

K24’s Screen siren  Mwanaisha Chidzuga’s family is counting double losses after  her husband and mother lost in the recently held polls.

Her husband  Danson Mungatana who is the former MP for Garsen constituency in Tana River county was eying the Tana River county gubernatorial seat on a Kenya Patriots Party lost to ODM candidate Dandho Gondhana who garnered  25 663  against  Mungatana’s  11,209 votes.

This is Mungatana’s second shot at an electoral position ever since the new constitution was inaugurated.

In 2013 Mungatana eyed the same seat on TNA but lost to Hussein Dado of the Wiper democratic movement.

On the other hand Mwanaisha’s mother Zainab Kalekeye Chidzuga could now become the Outgoing Woman representative for Kwale county after she lost ODM’S Zulekha Hassan.

However IEBC is yet to announce the winner in the coastal county.

Zainab who was elected on an ODM ticket decamped to the Jubilee party in 2016 .

