Kingi accuses his rivals of engaging in mud smearing antics against him

Kilifi governor Amason Kingi PHOTO:FILE

Kilifi,KENYA:Kilifi governor Amason Kingi has accused Jubilee candidates in the county of embarking in a mud smearing campaign against him in a bid to turn his  voters against him.

Kingi, said on Wednesday during a press briefing that they have gotten intelligence reports that Kilifi Jubilee’s Women Representative Amina Munyazi and Senatorial aspirant Ken Nyale were plotting to spread small papers scribed in them the negatives of Kingi.

Kingi said the two aspirants’ plan is aimed at tarnishing his name ahead of the general elections scheduled for next week Tuesday.

“We today received reports from our youths that the two aspirants (Amina Munyazi and Ken Nyale) are plotting to distribute papers with negative information about me,” said Kingi.

“According to the report, the two aspirants are reckoning that my name is ranking high despite their efforts to bring it down even as we get closer to the Election Day. My message to them is that we as NASA will not accept that at all, and we want the police to intervene as soon as possible,” he said.

Kingi said he is certain that the jubilee aspirants have sensed defeat in the forthcoming elections and are now looking for ways and means to bail themselves out of shame.

However, speaking during president Uhuru’s rally at Kilifi town, Munyazi, refuted the claims saying Kingi must explain to the people of Kilifi what he has done with their money to convey development.

She said the claims are a cry of a crocodile, and she will not accept that.

“I have heard him (Kingi) crying foul over me and Ken Nyale that we are planning to tarnish his name, for what special has he done for us to envy him?” said Munyazi when she took to the podium before president Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto.

“My message to him is very simple, tell the people of Kilifi what you have done for them, instead of looking for sympathy votes through a cry of a crocodile,” Munyazi concluded.

This comes barely five days before the general elections scheduled for 8th August .

