Two suspected robbers nabbed after shooting watchman in Likoni


Mombasa, KENYA: Police in Likoni Mombasa have arrested two suspected thugs who shot and seriously wounded a watchman at shelly beach Wednesday night.

The two suspects were arrested in Rabai, Kilifi County by officers who had been dispatch to track them.

The suspects according to police, had trailed a businessman who lives in Shellybeach area  and as he was waiting for his gate to be opened, the gunmen struck and shot the watchman who raised an alarm.

He was shot on the leg.

Likoni DCI boss Henry Ndombi said the men after shooting the watchman, escaped with his employer’s car ,a Toyota probox but later on abandoned it in Majengo mpya area in Likoni, after realizing they were being trailed by officers.

The gunmen later hijacked a bodaboda rider and escaped with his motorcycle but unfortunately the motorbike had a tracking system which led to arrest of the suspects.

“The tracking system on the motorcycle helped us a lot,the signal led us to Rabai in kilifi county and we managed to make quick arrest after working with our companion in the county,” said the DCI boss.

The suspects were later ferried on Thursday to Likoni police station where they are being interrogated.

Meanwhile, police on Thursday morning arrested a man who was ferrying hate speech leaflets from Likoni across the ferry.

The suspect who is in his 30’s was arrested with several leaflets packed in a suitcase and police believed he was distributing them to other areas in the county.

The arrest comes barely a day after security bosses held a security meeting in Likoni area where several leaflets have been circulated by unknown people, asking non-locals to move before August election or face dire consequences.

Police termed the arrest as a breakthrough in the county in fighting hate speech mongers, especially as the elections approach.

Likoni DCI Henry Ndombi confirmed the arrest of the suspect adding that they are interrogating him to get more information.

“We want to assure all the Likoni residents of their security, this is just a start security has been tightened and we have have warned anyone who wants to instill fear among the residents that he will be dealt with accordingly,” said the DCI boss.

