Notorious criminal alias Bobocha killed by an irate mob

A crowd gathering at the area where Bobocha as killed. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa,KENYA: A notorious criminal gang member of old town, Mombasa Mohammed Shekune alias  Bobocha is dead.

Police have named the suspect as one who was feared and dangerous.

He  was killed by an irate mob after he stabbed a resident and robbed him off his phone.

The mob chase and cornered him at Madobini area  as he was trying to escape.

Bobocha is said to be a close friend to terror suspect  Mohammed Soshi killed in Kisauni  last year,according to police sources.

He was also said to be a leader of criminal gang terrorizing residents in the area, among them the five notorious nabbed  on Saturday following a police operation.

Mombasa police chief Lucas Ogara told Baraka FM the deceased has been in the police list of the most wanted criminals in the area.

