Raila presents his nomination papers to IEBC


Nairobi,KENYA:National Super Alliance (NASA)presidential candidate Raila Odinga has presented his nomination papers to the Independent Election and Boundaries commission – IEBC in Nairobi.

Raila was accompanied by his running mate Kalonzo Musyoka and other NASA co- principals including; Governor Issac Ruto, Senator Moses Wetangula and Amani national congress leader Musalia Mudavadi.

Their papers were checked by IEBC team led by Chairperson Wafula Chebukati at KICC.

A confident Mr Odinga said he will mount a serious campaign to win the polls claiming that victory has been stolen from him on two occasions.

“We are hoping that this time around our victory will not be stolen.Kenyans will not accept a stolen elections’, he said.

He further added that he is ready to concede defeat if at all he will be beaten fairly in the forthcoming General elections.

“This is a contest. If we lose fairly then we will accept so we are going to do our best as NASA coalition and we are confident we will once again’, he added.

Meanwhile presidential candidate Abduba Dida was dealt a blow after IEBC refused to accept his nomination papers to vie for the Presidency for failing to present certified copies of his degree and that of his running mate.

President Kenyatta will present his nomination papers on Monday.


