Residents want Cabro pavements removed citing high wear and tear of shoes

People walking on cabro pavements along a beach in Lamu. PHOTO: NATASHA NEMA.

Lamu, KENYA: A section of residents in Faza,Lamu East have shocked many after they said the cabro pavements installed by the county government were finishing their shoe and sandal soles much faster than before.

The residents now want the cabro pavements removed in order to save them from the apparent loses which they are incurring, by having to replace shoes much faster than they ever did before.

Speaking in Faza town on Tuesday, Mohamed Shosi said that in as much as they are grateful to the county government for the modern streets installation, they feel it’s a luxury many of them cant accommodate at the moment.

Shosi says using shoes and sandals on the cabro pavements means the shoes wear out faster and need to be replaced and that may cant afford the pleasure.

“We are not saying the cabro streets aren’t good, of course we are grateful that the county government did this for us. But as it is now,people are complaining that their shoes are wearing out much faster and therefore want the cabro removed. We feel our complaints are genuine and should be considered, ”said Shosi.

The residents have threatened to take matters into their own hands and pull out the cabros if the county government doesn’t do so soon.

The county government has spent a considerable sum of money to install cabro pavements in towns and some village paths in a bid to overhaul the look of the affected areas and also ease movement.

The county government has also installed street lights across various towns in the county and areas prone to crime.

However, shopkeepers have also complained that installation of the street lights has reduced the number of purchases made for torches and other lighting material since people see no need for them.

“Before street lights were installed,I used to make good money from selling torches and other lighting appliances.That has changed since the street lights came since people no longer need torches to see.The sales are bad.We cant do anything or complain but it hurt us,” said Abdulrahman Sifa.

