Man denies giving consent to transport company managers to set kin on fire

A scene in the video purporting to show Isaac Njoroge with a truck tyre strapped on his waist PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA:A family member has denied giving consent to managers of a transport company -PN Mashru in Mombasa to set his kin on fire over alleged theft of goods on transit.

Bethwel Ikigu Kabocha told a Mombasa court on Monday that on the 27th of January 2016 as he was travelling back to Kenya from Rwanda, he received a phone call from Kamtu Ali, a manager of the 1st Respondent in the case who is the PN Mashru company, who informed him that they had apprehended his cousin Isaac Njoroge after earlier informing him that he had gone missing.

Kabocha told the court that the manager asked him what action they could take to discipline his cousin.

Kabocha added that the manager handed over the phone to the owner of the company Padra Naran Mashru who asked him the same question to which he informed them that since he was away he could not do much.

Kabocha says he overheard the 1st Manager Kamtu Ali in the background saying that he(Kabocha) had given them the go ahead to burn him.

Another witness, Nickson Muchika who called police officers to the scene and later recorded a statement at the Mariakani police station, told the court that he was fired following the incident after the managers accused him of painting the company in badlight.

A video purporting to show the managers of the company tying Isaac Njoroge a respondent in the case to a truck  tyre and setting him ablaze surfaced online in  2016 sparking  public outrage.

The managers alleged that Njoroge who worked as a driver at PN Mashru, had earlier delivered goods weighing lesser than what was handed over to him.

The video is expected to be shown in court as evidence on the 19th July 2017.


